
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Inspiration with Trunks


I love trunks, I have several, I use them to store
clothes, hide my craft materials, winter clothes, coffee table, but when I saw these beauties from the" Gypsy Barn", I had to share it with you.

A settee, very creative, make a seat inside with foam and in the back and voila, a settee. LOL
Turn the trunk sideways, remove the hardware and open the side, an instant hamper, LOL
Look what this intelligent girl did, amazing.
These trunks are everywhere but with the chunky legs, a new purpose and cheap.
All you need is four legs, and a drill. LOL

Love this photo prop, so creative, just add four
old legs or new ones, and sit on it carefully, she is
so slim and pretty. I don't think I could sit on it, could you???  love the idea as a prop thou,

Another sunken bench, with different materials, more rustic, and underneath storage for our stuff.

Very unique and clever.  I use trunks and suitcases
to store all kinds of stuff, so the rooms don't look
so clutter.  We DYI and crafters have lots and lots
of small things, paper, material, pictures, props for our pictures and this is a fun, creative way to organize and store the "stuff", I know how it is, I fill them so often and then some.  But I need the stuff, how would we do all the stuff we make without our supplies???

Enjoy the inspiration, happy Friday


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