
Sunday, August 28, 2011

IRENE in the East Coast

Hello friends:

Irene was here and we just got power, all day without power, watching the rain and the wind destroy trees for eigth hours. My first experience with this type of storm oh oh oh!!! Here are some pictures, lots of wind, and big big waves.  I hope everyone in blog land is okay.  We are just waiting until the high tide, and hopefully the end of the storm.Irene_4081271.jpg
Hurricane Irene_4080986.jpgPictures from  our town photographers. 

My family in Ct didn't have power all day, and it is now 8:30 PM. and they don't have their power back. They have a lot of can goods, water, and batteries, but I feel awful for them, they are 79 years old.

I pray for all of you who faced Irene today, a horrible storm.

I promise a fun post tomorrow, we need to eat and go to bed.



APTOPX Irene_4081078.jpg

1 comment:

Korrie@RedHenHome said...

Glad you're safe, and hope the rest of your family is well also.